This special issue marks the 10th anniversary of Beatdom Literary Journal. It features the following works: The Intersection of Buddhism and the Beat Generation - Sean Negus Reptile - Marc Olmsted A psychoanalytic perspective on Allen Ginsberg's Kaddish - Sam Clarke Mom Has a Bad Dream - Eliot Katz The Women of the Beat Generation Through Allen Ginsberg's Eyes - Katie Oates Mechanics and Poetics: William Carlos Williams and Allen Ginsberg - Alexandre Ferrere Two months or so with Corso - Linda Rosenkrantz Breastfed Blood and Urine - Suzi Kaplan Olmsted Politics and Family History: Kaddish and Other Poems - Eliot Katz My Favorite Playmate: A Daughter's Loving Tribute to Neal Cassady - Cathy Sylvia.
Beatdom #18