The theme for this issue is politics and the journal includes the following articles: "World Citizen: How Politics Shaped the Travels of Allen Ginsberg, and How Travel Shaped his Politics" by David S. Wills "The Flying Dutchman: An Overview of LeRoi Jones' Greatest Commentary on the Struggle of the Black Man and Racial Relations in Post-World War America" by Alyssa Cokinis "Dark Ages" by Stephen Deveraux "'America': Allen Ginsberg's Hopeful Satire" by Eliot Katz "Defining Beat: Era, Location, and the Importance of Considering Women" by M.G. Wessels "Turtle Island: An Eco-Critique of Capitalism" by Elizabeth Lee Reynolds "Tweet" by Damian Rucci "Ginsberg and the Machinery of Capitalism: A Political Reading of Howl" by Arianna Garofalo "Gonzo Personas: Hunter S. Thompson and John G. Clancy" by Frederic B. Wildfang "Echoes of the Revolution: Diane di Prima and the Beat Generation" by William Nesbitt "Elegy for Allen" by Eliot Katz "I'm Watching You Watching Me: The Inversion of the Gaze in Ginsberg's Photographs" by Katie Oates "Energy and Consciousness" by Robert T. Walker Review: The Green Ghost: William Burroughs and the Ecological Mind by Chad Weidner.
Beatdom 17