DR JONATHAN WILLIAMS is a Principal ClinicalPsychologist in an NHS Learning DisabilitiesService.He has over two decades of experiencewithin psychology and specialisesin supportingadults with intellectual disabilities,building on hisformative experience as a support worker.He haswritten a wide range of academic papers aboutsupporting people with intellectual disabilities. PROFESSOR ROBERT S. P. JONES is HonoraryProfessor of Clinical Psychology at BangorUniversity, UK, and a retired Consultant ClinicalPsychologist. He was formerly Head of AdultClinical Psychology Services for LearningDisabilities in North Wales, and has held varioussenior positions in academia and the NHS overseveral decades. He is the author of over 100peer-reviewed publications and several books.
Before training in clinical psychology, Rob was acare worker for people with severe intellectualdisability. DR JONATHAN WILLIAMS is a Principal ClinicalPsychologist in an NHS Learning DisabilitiesService.He has over two decades of experiencewithin psychology and specialisesin supportingadults with intellectual disabilities,building on hisformative experience as a support worker.He haswritten a wide range of academic papers aboutsupporting people with intellectual disabilities.