FUNDAMENTAL ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES Introduction Electrical Fundamentals Tabular Data INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND CONSTANTS Introduction The History of Modern Standards Tabular Data ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Introduction Operating Frequency Bands Radio Wave Propagation Tabular Data FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENT AND ALLOCATIONS Introduction The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) National Table of Frequency Allocations LIGHT, VISION, AND PHOTOMETRY Introduction Sources of Illumination Tabular Data CIRCUIT FUNDAMENTALS Introduction Circuit Analysis Passive/Active Circuit Components RESISTORS AND RESISTIVE MATERIALS Introduction Resistor Types Tabular Data CAPACITANCE AND CAPACITORS Introduction Practical Capacitors INDUCTORS AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES Introduction Inductors and Transformers Tabular Data FILTER DEVICES AND CIRCUITS Introduction Filter Type Filter Design Implementation THERMAL PROPERTIES Introduction Heat Transfer Mechanisms Application of Cooling Principles SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Introduction Bipolar Transistors Field-Effect Transistors Integrated Circuits Tabular Data ANALOG CIRCUITS Introduction Single-Stage Transistor FET Amplifier Operational Amplifiers LOGIC CONCEPTS AND DEVICES Introduction Combinational Logic Errors in Digital Systems AMPLITUDE MODULATION Introduction Modifying FM Waves PULSE MODULATION Introduction Digital Modulation Systems Digital Coding Systems NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS Introduction Transmission System Options OPTICAL DEVICES AND SYSTEMS Introduction Types of Fibers Types of Cable Specifying Fiber-Optic Cable Fiber Optic Connectors SYSTEM RELIABILITY Introduction Quality Assurance ISO 9000 Series References GLOSSARY OF TERMS ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CONVERSION FACTORS Each chapter also contains a bibliography and/or a references section.
The Resource Handbook of Electronics