To the Finish Line : A World Champion Triathlete's Guide to Your Perfect Race
To the Finish Line : A World Champion Triathlete's Guide to Your Perfect Race
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Author(s): Wellington, Chrissie
ISBN No.: 9781455570966
Pages: 352
Year: 201710
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 37.26
Status: Out Of Print

Chrissie Wellington, the world's number one female Ironman athlete and four-time World Ironman Champion, presents her struggles, wisdom, and experiences gained from her hard-won career as a triathlete. With close to 2 million core participants, triathlons of various distances and challenges are attracting more participants than ever before. In TO THE FINISH LINE, one of the sports' greatest legends brings triathlon to life, with guidance for newbies or experienced athletes, to achieve their best triathlons-no matter their ability. Filled with training tips, practical advice and inside information from a champion, triathletes of all levels can benefit from Wellington's experience and insight. Her book will guide readers on their own journey, whether that be a sprint or an Ironman, and encourage them to rise to every new challenge.

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