The Macroeconomics and International Economics Revision Guide for Introductory Economics students provides a comprehensive overview of the major units covered in most introductory Econ courses. The book follows the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate syllabuses, and includes over 150 detailed diagrams, clear explanations of concepts, definitions, examples, and a glossary with over 200 key Macro and International Economics terms. The revision guide is linked to several online resources, which can be accessed for free by students reviewing for exams. Each chapter of the book is accompanied by a section on the website,, at which students can view video lectures published by the author covering nearly every topic from the course. The website also provides interactive flashcards for reviewing key terms, downloadable practice activities, and other valuable tools for exam review.For more information on this Revision Guide and links to other Econ student and teacher resources, have a look at the author's website, www.