Cristina Bechtler, editor, is the founder of Ink Tree Editions, an art book, portfolio and contemporary art edition publishing house. She conceives and publishes the "Art and Architecture in Discussion" series. Mike Kelley, artist and musician, was born in 1954 in Detroit, USA. He studied at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and the California Institute of the Arts. Mike Kelley works with installations, video, performances, drawings and texts. Recent solo shows include The Uncanny, Tate Liverpool (2004); Mike Kelley: Profondeurs Vertes, Louvre, Paris (2006) and Mike Kelley: Educational Complex Onwards: 1995-2008, WIELS Centre d''Art Contemporain, Brussels, Belgium (2008). Mike Kelley lives and works in Los Angeles. Jim Shaw, artist and musican, was born in 1952 in Midland, Michigan, USA.
He studied at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1974 and the California Institute of the Arts. Jim Shaw works with paintings and drawings. He had numerous exhibitions like Jim Shaw: Thrift Store Paintings Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (2000); O, Magasin Center of Contemporary Art, Grenoble, France/Kunsthaus Glarus, Switzerland (2003) and The Donner Party, P.S. 1, New York. Jim Shaw lives and works in Los Angeles. John Welchman, art historian, was born in Britain. He studied at Cambridge University and the Courtauld Institute of Art, London.
He taught at the Open University, Britain, University of California, Los Angeles (1987), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (1990-92) and Harvard University (1995). Since XX he is professor at the Visual Arts Department of the University of California in San Diego. His prolific publications include Modernism Relocated: Towards a Cultural Studies of Visual Modernity (1995), Invisible Colours: A Visual History of Titles (1997), Art After Appropriation: Essays on Art in the 1990s (2001), Mike Kelley. Foul Perfection: Essays and Criticism (2003), Mike Kelley. Minor Histories: Statements, Conversations, Proposals, (2004).--- Christina Bechtler, Verlegerin, ist Gründerin von Ink Tree Editions, einem Verlag für Künstlerbücher, Portfolios und Editionen zeitgenössischer Kunst. Sie konzipiert und realisiert die Buchreihe Art and Architecture in Discussion. Mike Kelley, geboren 1954 in Detroit, USA, ist Künstler und Musiker.
Er studierte an der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor und dem California Institute of the Arts. Mike Kelleys künstlerische Ausdrucksmittel umfassen Installationen, Videos, Performances, Zeichnungen und Text. Monographischen Ausstellungen der letzten Jahren sind The Uncanny, Tate Liverpool (2004); Mike Kelley: Profondeurs Vertes, Louvre, Paris (2006) und Mike Kelley: Educational Complex Onwards: 1995-2008, WIELS Centre d'Art Contemporain, Brüssel, Belgien (2008). Mike Kelley lebt und arbeitet in Los Angeles. Jim Shaw, geboren 1952 in Midland, Michigan, USA, ist Künstler und Musiker. Er studierte an der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1974 und am California Institute oft he Arts. Jum Shaws künstlerische Ausdrucksmittel umfassen Malerei und Zeichnung. Sein Werk wurde in zahlreichen Ausstellungen präsentiert wie z.
B. Jim Shaw: Thrift Store Paintings Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (2000); O Magasin Center of Contemporary Art, Grenoble, Frankreich/Kunsthaus Glarus, Schweiz (2003) und The Donner Party, P.S. 1, New York. Jim Shaw lebt und arbeitet in Los Angeles. John Welchman, geboren in England, ist Kunsthistoriker. Er studierte an der Cambridge University und am Courtauld Institute of Art, London. Er unterrichtete an der Open University, England, University of California, Los Angeles (1987), Monash University, Melbourne, Australien (1990-92) und an der Harvard University (1995).
Derzeit hält er eine Professur am Visual Arts Department of the University of California in San Diego. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Bücher wie Modernism Reloaded: Towards a Cultural Study of Visual Modernity (1995), Invisible Colours: A Visual History of Titles (1997), Art After Appropriation: Essays on Art in the 1990s (2001), Mike Kelley. Foul Perfection: Essays and Criticism (2003), Mike Kelley. Minor Histories: Statements, Conversations, Proposals. (2004).