UNIVERSAL LEARNING PATH FEATURES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE: LEARNING PATH FEATURE: WHY SHOULD I CARE? Immediately engage students with new Why Should I Care? activities. These features connect the upcoming chapter to an authentic, real-world scenario designed to pique engagement and emphasize relevance. Use these activities to ensure students read material before class and to trigger lively in-class discussion. LEARNING PATH FEATURE: CHAPTER-LEVEL EBOOK. Immediately engage students with a dynamic eBook that brings the value, concepts and applications of the printed text to life. Students open an active learning experience as each chapter provides opportunities to interact with content using the approach that's best for the individual learner. LEARNING PATH FEATURE: LEARN ITS MULTIMEDIA SUPPORT. Easily add the excitement of multimedia instruction to your course to supplement textbook learning.
MindTap's Learn Its offer small sections of instruction that highlights the most important concepts in each chapter. Learn Its reinforce the text's instruction and even approach concepts in a different way to promote student choice and autonomy with personalizing learning. You can assign Learn Its to ensure that students have read and understand key concepts before class. LEARNING PATH FEATURE: APPLICATION-DRIVEN CHAPTER ASSIGNMENTS. Assign MindTap's carefully designed, practically focused chapter homework to ensure your students know how to apply what they have learned. LEARNING PATH FEATURE: CLASS-TESTED CHAPTER QUIZZES. Use MindTap's carefully curated chapter quizzes to assess student performance and immediately identify class-wide learning needs. LEARNING PATH FEATURE: FOCUSED CHAPTER MINI CASES.
Build skills in real-world data analysis and hone your students critical thinking with brief, yet power-packed, mini cases for each chapter. 1. The Evolution of Psychology. 2. The Research Enterprise in Psychology. 3. The Biological Bases of Behavior. 4.
Sensation and Perception. 5. Variations in Consciousness. 6. Learning. 7. Human Memory. 8.
Cognition and Intelligence. 9. Motivation and Emotion. 10. Human Development Across the Life Span. 11. Personality. 12.
Social Behavior. 13. Stress, Coping, and Health. 14. Psychological Disorders. 15. Treatment of Psychological Disorders. Appendix A: Answers to Concept Checks.
Appendix B: Statistical Methods.