This treatise describes principles necessary for the strict understanding, recovery, and defense of our citizen's fundamental inalienable rights--what the author imagines Thomas Jefferson would have referred to as "Reestablishment." In the course of that description, the author provides intensely-passionate civic testimony at its best, in the course of which he holds both Democrats, Republicans, and lazy Independents responsible for our national decline. The author begins by laying the foundation for a required national culture--a radically-conservative approach to modern civics embracing the original meaning of the U.S. Constitution. Two essays (the first, an expose; the second, an expansive exploration of the proper basis for the future evolution of our national culture) form the core of the book. These essays are separated by two dialogues added primarily for comic relief. The book's capstone is a highly-challenging proposed DECLARATION OF REESTABLISHMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, prospectively dated April 15, 2020.
Taking a multidisciplinary approach to national recovery, this ground-breaking work presents a unifying framework indispensable to a critically-forthright examination of our nation's worsening civic squalor (with particular emphasis put upon our citizen's growing tendency to shun personal liberty and responsibility) necessary for our country's essential rebirth. With the aid of correspondence with world-class thinkers, as well as extensive personal narrative, the author explains how, and why, over a nearly forty-year-long period, he was led to adopt a responsible militant-libertarian position in lieu of one based upon socialistic principles previously developed in connection with a farm-based Virginian commune (i.e., Twin Oaks Community) inspired by B.F. Skinner.