1. Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Definition 1.3 Equipment 2. Knowledge 2.1 History: Treatment of Mental Illness 2.2 History: ECT 2.
3 Major Advances in ECT Practice 2.4 Mechanism of Action 2.5 Clinical Indications for ECT: Adults 2.6 Clinical Indications for ECT: Children and Adolescents 2.7 Clinical Indications for ECT: Older People 2.8 Efficacy of ECT 2.9 Contraindications for ECT 2.10 Brain Stimulation / New Directions 3.
Organisational / Administrative Skills 3.1 Setting Up an ECT Service / Clinical Governance 4. Clinical Skills 4.1 The Sequence of ECT 4.2 Adverse Events of ECT 4.3 Medical Risks and Management 4.4 Drug Interactions 4.5 Tips for Clinical Practice 5.
Technical Skills 5.1 ECT Technique 5.2 Electrode placement 5.3 Stimulus Dosing Strategies 5.4 The Stimulus 5.5 The Electroencephalogram (EEG) 5.6 Anaesthesia for ECT 5.7 ECT Devices: Set up Procedure 6.
Ambulatory ECT, Continuation and Maintenance ECT 7. ECT Nurse and the ECT Coordinator 8. ECT: The Lived Experience 8.1 Consumer Perspectives: Wow I Have My Life Back! By Alirra 9. Scenario-Based Problems 9.1 Post-Ictal Delirium and ECT 9.2 ECT, The Elderly and a High Seizure Threshold 9.3 ECT, Epilepsy and Obsessional Personality Style 9.
4 Fear of ECT 9.5 Complex ECT Treatments 9.6 EEG Challenges: What should you do next?.