Software Development/User-Interface Design A complete, ready-to-use procedures manual for developing company-wide GUIs Coming up with a set of company-wide GUI standards can be one of the most frustrating and time-consuming processes a development team faces. Now this powerful book takes the pain out of GUI design by supplying you with everything you need to develop and implement your own standards quickly and inexpensively with buy-in from users throughout your organization. Complete guidelines on everything from screen layouts, menus, and push button size, name, and placement, to bitmaps and toolbars, color and highlighting, icon design, and much more Helps to dramatically reduce development time and cost, and to guarantee consistent new applications throughout your entire organization Covers GUI design for a variety of platforms, including Windows, OS/2, and UNIX Over 100 screen shots make it easy to see what works, what doesn2t, and why.
Guidelines for Enterprise-Wide GUI Design