AUDIENCE FOR BOOK: Anyone (individual or small business) filing a lawsuit (or defending one) in small claims court. This includes landlords and tenants; victims of minor car crashes; purchasers of faulty cars; consumers with disputes with dry cleaners, caterers, or other service providers; people who've suffered property damage by kids with baseballs; neighbors with conflicts about trees, fences, pets or other issues; and more. REASONS TO BUY THIS NEW EDITION: The most complete and respected guide on the market for preparing and presenting, or defending against a small claims law suit. As legal fees continue to climb, more people than ever represent themselves and take their cases to small claims court. Not just a how-to-sue guide, but a legal primer on whether you have a good case and how to present evidence to prove it, covering personal injury, auto damage, dry cleaning damage, landlord/tenant issues, and much more. Written by a lawyer with experience assisting in small claims cases. Updated to include the latest information about small claims court limits and procedures in all 50 states.
Everybody's Guide to Small Claims Court