Boost your MPRE score dramatically! In most states, if you want to practice law, you have to pass the MPRE. But the sad fact is this: even if you spend countless hours memorizing the codes of Professional Responsibility, you can still fail the MPRE -- that's what happens to thousands of students each year. Why? Because the Bar Examiners are expert test-makers. They set traps that can catch you even if you think you know the rules, by using tricks that make the wrong answers seem right. Unless you know the traps to watch out for, The temptation to choose those wrong answers is irresistible! Strategies & Tactics For The MPRE ensures that nothing on the MPRE will catch you by surprise. You'll get: Exam tactics that lead you To The right answer -- even if you're not sure of the applicable rule. Actual questions from past MPRE's . So you can practice with questions the same length, format, and difficulty as the ones you'll face.
Expert advice on spotting and avoiding the traps the Bar Examiners will set for you. In-depth explanations of each answer option that quickly highlights -- and corrects -- any test-taking flaws you have. Plus a special section: 'How to pick the right answer . without even reading the question.'.