"Choosing Your Angle of Defense".is a revolutionary and simple way to defend and position yourself without second guessing your angle of defense. In other words, if you can get to the optimum tactical position while protecting properly, it makes NO difference what type of strike or kick an attacker throws at you.People tend to hyper-focus or attempt to anticipate or "guess" which hand or foot technique an assailant might deploy. This causes problems with reaction times, as well as other issues, when the attacker doesn't do what was expected. This often causes the defender to "freeze up" and delays his or her reaction time.This ICATT (Immediate Combative Assault Techniques & Tactics)system of movement teaches you to focus on the angle of defense and not worry about the assailant's attack. Why? Because if you move and protect properly, and place yourself effectively, it will not matter what strikes your opponent throws.
Learn to effectively position yourself in the best place for defending, controlling, taking down and/or handcuffing an assailant without worrying about what strike he will use and from which side. You will "choose your angle of defense" based on surrounding conditions, instead of waiting for your opponent's strike to determine how you might move.Chief Instructor Wallace has over 15 years of experience in combative street defense tactics and has evolved the ICATT System to simplify the angles of defense and attack to your advantage. If you can master the concepts contained in these pages, all defensive and counter movements become easier.