Foreword Introduction George Washington (Disc 1, track 2) First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789 (Disc 1, track 3) Farewell Address, September 19, 1796 Thomas Jefferson (Disc 1, track 4) First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801 Andrew Jackson (Disc 1, track 5) Veto of the Bank of the United States , July 10, 1832 (Disc 1, track 6) Proclamation on Nullification, December 10, 1832 Abraham Lincoln (Disc 1, track 7) "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand", June 16, 1858 (Disc 1, track 8) First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861 (Disc 1, track 9) Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863 (Disc 1, track 10) Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865 (Disc 1, track 11) The Changing Presidency: Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, and William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt (Disc 1, track 12) "The Man with the Muck-rake", April 15, 1906 (Disc 1, track 13) Speech at Osawatomie , Kansas , August 31, 1910 Woodrow Wilson (Disc 1, track 14) Request for Declaration of War on Germany , April 2, 1917 (Disc 1, track 15) "The Fourteen Points" Address to Congress, January 8, 1918 (Disc 1, track 16) Return to Normalcy: Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Disc 1, track 17) "The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself", March 4, 1933 (Disc 1, track 18) Acceptance Speech for Renomination, June 27, 1936 (Disc 1, track 19) 1941 Annual Message to Congress, January 6, 1941 (Disc 1, track 20) "A Date Which Will Live in Infamy", December 8, 1941 (Disc 1, track 21) D-Day Prayer, June 6, 1944 Harry S. Truman (Disc 1, track 22) Address to Congress on Greece and Turkey , March 12, 1947 (Disc 1, track 23) Whistle-Stop Speech, September 18, 1948 Dwight D. Eisenhower (Disc 1, track 24) "Atoms for Peace", December 8, 1953 (Disc 1, track 25) "The Military-Industrial Complex", January 17, 1961 John F. Kennedy (Disc 1, track 26) "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You", January 20, 1961 (Disc 2, track 1) Address to the Nation on the Cuban Missile Crisis, October 22, 1962 (Disc 2, track 2) "Let Us Reexamine Our Attitude Toward the Cold War", June 10, 1963 (Disc 2, track 3) "Ich Bin Ein Berliner" Speech at the Berli.
My Fellow Americans : The Most Important Speeches of America's Presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush