Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgments. About the Authors. ONE: Introduction: Reframing the Problem. A Knowledge Economy Requires New Skills for All Students. Greater Supports for Learning in a Changing Society. Reform or Reinvention? Technical Challenges Versus Adaptive Challenges.
Organizational Beliefs and Behaviors. Individual Beliefs and Behaviors. Accepting the Challenge and the Risks:Moving Toward Communities of Practice via Collaborative Learning. PART ONE: Improving Instruction. TWO: Creating a Vision of Success. Challenges to Improving Instruction. Seven Disciplines for Strengthening Instruction. Using the Seven Disciplines.
Launching an Instructional Improvement System: The Critical First Conversations. Developing a Shared Vision. Defining a New Framework for Effective Instruction. Linking the New 3 R's of Instruction. THREE: Committing Ourselves to the Challenge. Identifying Your Commitment. Spotting Your Obstacles Through Self-Reflection. Reflections.
PART TWO: Why Is This So Hard? FOUR: Generating Momentum for Change. Obstacles to Improvement Versus Momentum for Improvement. Generating the Momentum for Systemic Change. Communities of Practice as a Strategy. FIVE: Exploring Individual Immunities to Change. Attending to Countering Behaviors. A Deeper Look. Finding the Competing Commitment.
Taking the Next Step. Reflections. PART THREE: Thinking Systemically. SIX Relating the Parts to the Whole. Arenas of Change. Toward Transformation: Using the 4 C's. Another Use for the 4 C's. SEVEN: The Individual as a Complex System.
Hidden Commitments and Personal Immunities. Big Assumptions and Immunities. Reflections. PART FOUR: Working Strategically. EIGHT: The Ecology of Change. Phases of Whole-System Change. Change Levers: Data, Accountability, and Relationships. Strategic Change in Action.
Putting the Pieces Together: The Ecology of Educational Transformation. Measuring Success and the Challenge of High-Stakes Test Scores. NINE: Overturning Your Immunities to Change. Steps Toward Individual Change. Considering Steps for the Most Powerful Learning. Phases in Overturning Your Immunities. Becoming Fully Released from Immunities to Change. Reflections.
TEN: Conclusion: Bringing the Outward and Inward Focus Together. Hold High Expectations for All Our Students. Involve Building and Central Office Administrators in Instruction. Choose a Priority and Stay Relentlessly Focused on It. Foster a Widespread Feeling of Urgency for Change. Encourage a New Kind of Leader. Develop a New Kind of Administrative Team. Shining a Broader Light on Change.
Implications for the Change Leader: Toward Adaptive Work. Concluding . or Commencing? APPENDIXES . A. Team Exercises. B. Recommended Reading. Index.