In twelve essaysand-eight of which appear here in English for the first timeand-the internationally known analyst Marie-Louise von Franz explores important aspects of psychotherapy from a Jungian perspective. She draws on her many years of practical experience in psychotherapy, her intimate knowledge of Jung's methods and theories, and her wide-ranging interests in fields such as mythology, alchemy, science, and religion to illumine these varied topics: andandandandbull;and Projectionandandandandbull;and Transferenceandandandandbull;and Dream interpretation andandandandbull;and Self-realizationandandandandbull;and Group psychology andandandandbull;and Personality types andandandandbull;and Active imagination andandandandbull;and The therapeutic use of hallucinogenic drugs andandandandbull;and The choice of psychotherapy as a profession andandandandbull;and The role of religious experience in psychological healing.