Preface DESIGN, SYNTHESIS, AND MANIPULATION OF GENOMES Synthetic DNA Synthesis and Assembly: Putting the Synthetic in Synthetic Biology Randall A. Hughes and Andrew D. Ellington Minimal Cells-Real and Imagined John I. Glass, Chuck Merryman, Kim S. Wise, Clyde A. Hutchison III, and Hamilton O. Smith Genome-Editing Technologies: Principles and Applications Thomas Gaj, Shannon J. Sirk, Sai-lan Shui, and Jia Liu MODIFYING THE CENTRAL DOGMA Alternative Watson-Crick Synthetic Genetic Systems Steven A.
Benner, Nilesh B. Karalkar, Shuichi Hoshika, Roberto Laos, Ryan W. Shaw, Mariko Matsuura, Diego Fajardo, and Patricia Moussatche At the Interface of Chemical and Biological Synthesis: An Expanded Genetic Code Han Xiao and Peter G. Schultz EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL APPROACHES TO THE DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT OF BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES Cell-Free Synthetic Biology: Engineering Beyond the Cell Jessica G. Perez, Jessica C. Stark, and Michael C. Jewett Building Spatial Synthetic Biology with Compartments, Scaffolds, and Communities Jessica K. Polka, Stephanie G.
Hays, and Pamela A. Silver Design Automation in Synthetic Biology Evan Appleton, Curtis Madsen, Nicholas Roehner, and Douglas Densmore APPLICATIONS TO SMALL MOLECULE PRODUCTION The Need for Integrated Approaches in Metabolic Engineering Anna Lechner, Elizabeth Brunk, and Jay D. Keasling Synthetic Biology of Natural Products Rainer Breitling and Eriko Takano APPLICATIONS TO HIGHER ORGANISMS Engineering Gene Circuits for Mammalian Cell-Based Applications Simon Ausländer and Martin Fussenegger Synthetic Biology in Cell and Organ Transplantation Sean Stevens Synthetic Morphogenesis Brian P. Teague, Patrick Guye, and Ron Weiss Synthetic Botany Christian R. Boehm, Bernardo Pollak, Nuri Purswani, Nicola Patron, and Jim Haseloff Phage Therapy in the Era of Synthetic Biology E. Magda Barbu, Kyle C. Cady, and Bolyn Hubby Index.