Organic Chemistry: 100 Must-Know Mechanisms started initially as a daily micro-blog post with a "hash tag" (#100MustKnowMechanisms) that gained a lot of support from students and chemists around the world. It is by the same author of the ChemInfoGraphic blog ( The book serves as a thoroughly visualized guide, as distinguished from a traditional textbook, where each mechanism is presented as a complete, color-coded InfoGraphic with distilled information focusing on key concepts, rules, acronyms, and terminology. It is intended to bring together an array of core mechanisms: basic, fundamental, classic, famous, historically important, and those mechanisms that resonate with the author. The book provides a conceptual space where the reader can systematically study the complete collection. It can also serve simply as a summary, a desk-reference or a colorful "flip-book".
It encourages the development of scientific intuition for the student and can be a useful reference point for the experienced chemist. InfoGraphic presentation of basic, fundamental, classic, famous, historically important, and simply "cool" organic chemistry mechanisms. Distilled and concentrated color-coded summary with key concepts, rules, acronyms, terminology, and historical context. Visual survey of 100 Must-Know Mechanisms for the student and desk-reference for the experienced chemist. Book jacket.