Set in a nearish future, the novel follows a boy, Devin, who has been brought up by his grandfather on a farm, until his grandfather's death forces him to leave. Arriving in the city, Devin joins the other orphaned street kids, and befriends a fierce, independent girl called Kit - an expert scavenger. A rumour circulates that, somewhere, there is a place where needy children can play all day and never suffer. According to Kit, 'it's all just fairy tales', but then Devin meets a mysterious older boy called Roman who says he can take them there . So begins a chilling adventure which sees Devin uncover the dark secrets that underlie the apparent utopia of the Gabriel H. Penn Home for Abandoned Children. The key to their freedom lies deep in Penn's brain, and Devin is the only one who can find it - if he has the courage.
The One Safe Place