"Well produced. The result is a#xA0;magnificent 512 page, profusely illustrated and referenced tome that will now take its place as the definitive popular guide for the shells of the northern Gulf of Mexico. This work will function as comprehensive identification reference, containing more than 900 species in systematic arrangement, including the micro-mollusks and deep-water taxa that are now just becoming better known. All in all a very well-presented guide that is both easy to use and easy on the eye.#xA0;But there is more. the collection traditions of Texan malacology, a remarkably good chapter on the ecology and habitats of mollusks, followed by accounts on collecting methodologies and a very good, concise account on mollusk morphologies, in which the illustrations alone would be of use to any collector anywhere, particularly when used in combination to the extensive glossary also included.#xA0;Clearly a very positive contribution to the mollusk literature, this work takes its place now as one of the primary resources for North American collectors, with sections that will be of use to a wider audience. An added advantage, in this era of the extensive color shell atlases, is that this work had a large press run and is very modestly priced.
" - Henry Chaney, The Festivus.