PrefaceChapter 1: Articulate the WHYIntroductionWHY Blended Learning?Getting Teachers Onboard with the WHYThe How: Best PracticesThe What: Branding the Shift to Blended Learning8 Ways to Strengthen Your School CommunityWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 2: A Roadmap for Building a Professional Learning InfrastructureIntroductionBlended Learning Demands a New Approach to Professional LearningProfessional Development: Defining the Scope The Spark: Establish the Why Blended Learning Coaches: Support the How Professional Learning Communities: Develop and Refine the WhatThe Spark: Onsite Targeted Training Led by an Expert1:1 CoachingProfessional Learning Communities (PLCs)Wrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 3: Blended Learning Requires Effective Professional DevelopmentIntroductionTraditional Professional Development is Largely IneffectiveElements of Effective Professional Development Professional Development Must be Ongoing Professional Development Should be Specific to a Teacher''s Subject Area and Grade Level Professional Development Should Employ the Strategies It Advocates Professional Development Should Be Practice-basedThe SparkLeaders Must Lean InWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 4: The Blended Learning CoachIntroductionCoaching in a Blended Learning ContextElements of Effective CoachingBlended Learning Coaches Continue the LearningRedefining Teacher and Student Roles in a Blended Learning EnvironmentA Quick Review of Blended Learning Models Rotation Models Flex Model A la Carte Enriched VirtualBlended Learning: Establish a Clear PlanChallenges Facing the Creation of a Coaching CultureWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 5: Coaching-Initial Conversation & Goal Setting IntroductionThe Power of Dialogic InterviewsS.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Goals Should Be Specific Goals Should Be Measurable Goals Should Be Attainable Goals Should Be Relevant Goals Should be TimelyWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 6: Coaching-Initial Observation & DebriefIntroductionCoaching Must be a PartnershipWhat''s the Goal of the Initial Observation?Communicating with StudentsThe DebriefRevisit S.M.A.
R.T. GoalsWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 7: Coaching-Co-lesson PlanningIntroductionCommunicate with the Teacher Ahead of TimeMeet Outside of the ClassroomIdentify the GoalsKeep the Lesson Manageable: Think Big, Start SmallProvide Templates to Help Teachers Design Blended LessonsReflect on the Role of Technology in the LessonDealing with Details Grouping Students Cues Timing HomeworkWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 8: Coaching-Real Time CoachingIntroductionPre-lesson Chat: Review Lesson and Establish Norms for Real-Time CoachingReal-Time Coaching: Pause-Discuss-AdjustDocument the Parts of the LessonWritten Feedback Using a Blended Learning RubricWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 9: Coaching-Model Lessons & Co-TeachIntroductionDesigning and Teaching a Model LessonModel Lesson Checklist Identify the Objectives of the Lesson Reference Grade-level Standards Select a Blended Learning Model Create a Clear Path Decide on Deliverables Design a "Next Steps" Share the LessonCo-Teaching Co-teaching Alleviates the Teacher''s Fear of Change Co-teaching Provides Support as Teachers Apply New Technical SkillsWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 10: Coaching-Reflecting, Revisiting, and RefiningIntroductionDedicating Time, Energy, and Space to ReflectionBecoming a Reflective Practitioner Making Time for Solitary Reflection Becoming a Perpetual Problem Solver Questioning the Status QuoReflect Using DocumentationUsing Digital Tools to ReflectRevisit S.M.A.R.T. GoalsNext Steps: Developing an Action PlanWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 11: Virtual CoachingIntroductionReal-time Coaching: Challenges of ScaleBlended Offline and Online Coaching in Large DistrictsVirtual Spin on the Coaching CycleTechnology Toolbox for Virtual CoachingStaying Organized with Google CalendarWrap UpBook Study QuestionsChapter 12: Professional Learning CommunitiesIntroductionWhat is a Professional Learning Community?The PLC Process Gather Evidence Develop Strategies Implement Strategies Analyze the Impact Apply New KnowledgeOrganizing the Teacher Teams Within a PLCWrap UpBook Study Questions.