During the time of the infamous Witch Trials of 1692, young frontiersmen Aaron and Cyrus happen upon a strange item while traveling to Salem, Massachusetts. Accidentally unleashing its magic, they find themselves in the different world. Dr. Troy Duncan and his team of time adventurers have misplaced their invention, the Time Opener. Concerned with ensuring the integrity of time, they attempt to track down and recover it at any cost. Meanwhile, modern-day college student Jeremy is on a date with his girlfriend Lisa when Aaron and Cyrus appear. Discovering that the Time Opener is damaged, Jeremy takes action to return his guests safely home. When the scientists finally catch up with Jeremy and company, Dr.
Duncan, Jeremy, and Lisa are thrust into the world of 1692 and accused of practicing witchcraft. While they await their fates, they must also endure the realities of life in Colonial Salem, where nothing is what they expected. Now, only Aaron and Cyrus know they are innocent, and must find a way to save their new friends from certain death on the gallows while protecting themselves from the ruthless hysteria of the Witch Trials.