'This method of teaching really helps the reader to understand these sometimes-difficult concepts of thermodynamics, especially with concepts such as Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy . anyone who wants to either learn about thermodynamics or get a very good refresher will find this book to be one of the best at explaining these abstract concepts.'IEEE Electrical Insulation MagazineThermodynamics is considered the core engineering course in many engineering disciplines. Since the laws of thermodynamics are expressed in abstract terms, it is the one of the most challenging courses encountered by students during their undergraduate education.This eminent compendium provides a firm grasp of the abstract concepts, and shows how to apply these concepts to solve practical problems with numerous clear examples. Answers to all problems are provided. Four additional chapters are illuminated to show students how to deal with the thermodynamic problems involving nonideal pure substances as well as multicomponent mixtures. The concepts are highlighted with utmost clarity in simple language.
Mathcad worksheets are provided in problems dealing with the cubic equations of state.This readable reference text is useful to researchers, academics, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and energy studies.