Health care, one of corporate America's largest expenses, is growing at double-digit rates, and nothing proposed in Washington will change that. But one medium-size company set out to tame the beast of rising health-care costs. Serigraph, Inc., a Wisconsin-based manufacturer, and its chairman, John Torinus, did what Washington can't do; reduce cost increases to less than 2 percent while improving the quality of health care for its employees. Serigraph began its initiative to control health-care costs in 2003 and employed three strategies for reform, each of which can cut the health-care bill by 20 to 40 percent; consumer responsibility, the primacy of primary over specialty care and centers of value. Applied in concert with other management methods, these three approaches almost eliminated growth in health-care costs while improving the quality of employee care. The results are documented and beyond refute. The Company That Solved Health Care describes details of Serigraph's program and shows how any company can achieve similar results.
This book is essential reading for any manager responsible for company health-care expenses or anyone who wants to better understand why costs have been rising and what can be done to achieve price stability.