Farmer Giles of Ham
Farmer Giles of Ham
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Author(s): Tolkien, J. R. R.
ISBN No.: 9780008705275
Pages: 240
Year: 202409
Format: UK-B Format Paperback (Trade Paper)
Price: $ 15.40
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

A commemorative 75th anniversary edition of Tolkien's classic book, including a revised introduction, a map, a copy of Tolkien's unpublished short story which he expanded for publication, his notes for an aborted sequel, and the original first edition illustrations by Pauline Baynes. Farmer Giles of Ham did not look like a hero. He was fat and red-bearded and enjoyed a slow, comfortable life. Then one day a rather deaf and short-sighted giant blundered on to his land. More by luck than skill, Farmer Giles managed to scare him away. The people of the village cheered: Farmer Giles was a hero. His reputation spread far and wide across the kingdom. So it was natural that when the dragon Chrysophylax visited the area it was Farmer Giles who was expected to do battle with it! A special 75th anniversary edition which includes: * an introduction by Christina Scull and Wayne G.

Hammond, editors of Tolkien's Roverandom and The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien * the complete original text with all 50 illustrations by Narnia artist, Pauline Baynes * a specially commissioned map of 'The Little Kingdom' by the same artist, 75 years after the originals! * Tolkien's unpublished notes for a sequel which he never completed * an appendix containing the unpublished short story which Tolkien later expanded into the published version * First time in paperback for this expanded edition - includes unpublished poems by Tolkien as well as detailed background information. * Brand new cover design to complement the 'signature classic' look of the Middle-earth books Competition: Narnia; Wizard of Earthsea; Roverandom; Smith of Wootton Major. by; C. S. Lewis; J.

K. Rowling; Ursula Le Guin;.

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