"Tokuhama-Espinosa (director, Center for Educational Development, Ecuador) provides a resource for parents and teachers to explore linguistic, sociocultural, and neuropsychological theories of second- and third-language acquisition, including a discussion of seven life stages from birth to adulthood.This book is an invitation to parents, teachers, and policy makers to extend multilingualism across the lifespan. Recommended." -- Choice " Living Languages is a comprehensive text that provides not only information about the various factors in successful language learning, but also a unique window into the influence and impact of language learning on the author's own multilingual family. This is the author's third book in which she has chosen to explore the benefits of bilingualism/multilingualism.Her book is based on over 700 studies and her own family's interactions with language development. Many of the questions that are addressed in the book were posed while she was conducting workshops with parents and educators in 15 countries, so they address practical as well as theoretical concerns." -- MultiCultural Review " Living Languages is aimed at parents, teachers and researchers with its practical information on the language learning process, the key factors in raising multilingual children, as well as the impact of the environment (family, schools and society) on the language-learning process.
Living Languages encourages families and educators to continue in their goal of providing children in families, schools and communities with as much language opportunities and exposure as possible, no matter how young or old they happen to be. We are shown that the lifelong emotional, social, and global benefits of multilingualism outweigh the efforts in the long run." -- Multilingual Living Magazine.