City of Shadows
City of Shadows
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Author(s): Thompson, Victoria
ISBN No.: 9780593197530
Pages: 336
Year: 202112
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 42.77
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

CHAPTER one Elizabeth looked up from the letter she''d been writing when the maid announced the unexpected arrival of her best friend, Anna Vanderslice. Before she could rise to greet Anna or even open her mouth to ask the maid to show Anna in, Anna brushed unceremoniously past the startled maid and cried, "Elizabeth, you''ve got to help me!" Being a gently reared young lady, Anna wasn''t given to outbursts like this, especially in front of the servants. "Of course, I''ll help you," Elizabeth said, rising quickly from the small lady''s desk where she''d been sitting and moving to where Anna stood, anxiously wringing her hands, just inside the library doorway. "Lucy, would you bring us something cool to drink?" Elizabeth asked the still-flustered maid. Lucy scurried out, obviously glad to escape what promised to be a strange situation. "What''s the matter?" Elizabeth asked, taking Anna''s hands in hers. They were like ice in spite of the warm day. "What kind of help do you need?" The despair that clouded Anna''s face truly frightened Elizabeth.

She hadn''t seen her friend so upset since Anna''s brother, David, had died of influenza last fall. "Oh, Elizabeth, I ." She glanced at the still-open library door, obviously just realizing that she shouldn''t be discussing anything upsetting where the servants could hear. "Sit down," Elizabeth said, hurrying to close the door and give Anna the privacy she needed. Anna took one of the comfortable chairs placed in front of the now-cold fireplace, sighing wearily as she sank down into it. Elizabeth took the other chair when she had shut the door securely. The chairs had been chosen for comfort so two gentlemen could sit and smoke and converse in the quiet of this cozy book-lined room at the end of a long day, but they would serve just as well for women to share a bit of bad news. "Now what is it?" Elizabeth demanded almost desperately.

"It''s Mother." "Your mother?" Elizabeth echoed in alarm. "Is she ill?" "Oddly, no," Anna said with a frown. "You knew she took to her bed after David died. I think her heart was truly broken." "She came to my wedding," Elizabeth reminded her. "And she would sometimes go to church, but until recently, she rarely left her bedroom." "But recently?" Anna sighed.

"Recently, she has discovered a medium." Elizabeth blinked in surprise. "You mean, a fortune-teller?" "Oh, she''s far more than a fortune-teller. She conducts sZances." Elizabeth knew a little about sZances and what she knew wasn''t good. "Does she make the table move and do the spirits knock in coded raps to convey messages?" "I have no idea, but Mother is convinced this woman, this Madame Ophelia," Anna added in disgust, "can contact David." "Oh dear." "Yes, oh dear," Anna agreed.

For a long moment, the two friends silently considered this very disturbing situation. Then Elizabeth found something comforting to say. "I know it must be upsetting to you, but if it gives her some peace to think that-" "You don''t think this woman can really talk to David, do you?" Anna asked in outrage. "Of course not. It''s all a con." Anna brightened at once. "Then you know all about it?" "Not much. I may have been raised by a con artist, but even he had standards.

Bilking little old ladies out of their last pennies is beneath him. But I do know it''s a con." "It''s also more than just a few pennies," Anna said gravely. "What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked, newly alarmed. Before Anna could answer, Lucy knocked at the door and brought in a tray bearing two glasses of lemonade and a plate of cookies. Elizabeth insisted Anna drink some of the lemonade before continuing. "You must be parched after walking over here." That made Anna smile at last.

"Hardly. One of the best parts of you finally marrying Gideon is that now you only live a few blocks away." Elizabeth could think of other wonderful reasons to be glad she and Gideon were married, but she knew Anna didn''t want to hear about that part of married life. "It is nice being so close to you. Now tell me what you meant about it being more than pennies." Anna''s smile vanished again. "Madame Ophelia charges twenty dollars for each session." Elizabeth winced.

"That does seem expensive." "And Mother has been going to see her three times a week." Three visits a week would cost as much as an average man would earn in a week, but Madame Ophelia most certainly catered only to the wealthy members of society. Her high prices would keep the riffraff away. "Good heavens." "Yes, good heavens. You do know that we aren''t really rich, don''t you?" Elizabeth did know that. Many of the old New York families had seen their early fortunes dwindle with the generations.

Gideon''s family was one of them, but she certainly hadn''t married him for his money. "Is it causing you a hardship?" "More than a hardship. Father left us some money that provides a modest income, but we relied on David''s salary, too. With David gone ." Anna''s voice caught, and she needed a moment to compose herself. His loss was still fresh enough to cause tears. "You don''t have to explain," Elizabeth assured her as Anna dabbed at her tears with a handkerchief. "But I do.

I had to let some of the servants go, but if we''re careful, we should be fine. Or at least we would have been, but now ." "Have you explained this to your mother? I''m sure if she understood-" "Of course, I explained it to her, but she refuses to understand. Father and David always took care of everything. She has no idea how much things cost or how much our income is. She thinks Father left us wealthy and the money will never run out and I''m just being mean because I don''t believe in Madame Ophelia''s powers. On top of that, this Madame Ophelia has bewitched her. Mother becomes furious if I even suggest she stop attending these sZances, and this morning she told me she''s going to start seeing the woman every day.

We can''t afford that! I won''t even be able to go back to college in the fall." Her tears were falling freely now, but at least Elizabeth could offer a bit of comfort. "You don''t have to worry about college, my darling girl. Your fees will be paid no matter what." But this news was far from comforting, if Anna''s scowl was any indication. "What do you mean?" "Just what I said. The fees will be paid." Anna''s scowl deepened.

"I can''t take charity from you, Elizabeth." Oh dear, now she''d hurt Anna''s pride. "It''s not charity and it''s not from me." "Who is it from, then? I won''t take anything from Gideon, either." Elizabeth sighed in defeat. "Not Gideon. Jake." "Jake? Your brother, Jake?" "The very same.

" Anna''s shock was almost comic, but Elizabeth knew better than to laugh. "Why would Jake pay my college fees?" "Because you helped him with a con. Do you have any idea how much he made on that?" Anna stiffened her spine. "No, I don''t." "Well, it was a lot, and he hardly had any expenses. By rights, you should have had a share, but we didn''t think you would take it, so Jake set up to pay your school fees instead, and there will be a nice little sum to get you started when you graduate." "But . what about you? You helped, too, and a lot more than I did.

Shouldn''t you get that money?" "Some of it, yes, but I couldn''t possibly take it since I promised Gideon I had given all that up." "But Gideon knows you helped with that con." "Yes, and he did, too, in his own way, but we didn''t do it for the money. That makes a difference, at least to Gideon." "I didn''t do it for the money, either." "I know, dear one. You did it for the excitement, but there''s no reason you shouldn''t benefit. You don''t have to answer to a painfully honest husband, after all.

" "And I never will," Anna said with some satisfaction. "But why would Jake go to so much trouble for me?" "Because you''re his friend. I think you may be the only friend he''s ever had." "But I''m a female." "That''s what he likes best about you, I think. Men are always competing with one another and women want to get married. You don''t compete and you don''t want to marry him. You''re also smart and clever, and I think he feels smart and clever when he''s with you.

" "And that makes him want to give me money?" Anna asked doubtfully. "It''s his way of showing his respect for the way you performed." "He can be very aggravating," Anna reminded her. "He''s a man. Try not to hold that against him." That finally brought a small smile to Anna''s lips. It lasted only a moment, though, before she re.

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