The book "DUFFY QUOTES AND OTHER BARROOM GENIUS" contains statements and advice on everything you might encounter in life as gathered by Tom Thompson from the patrons of a popular locals bar in Durango, Colorado. For years Tom Thompson wrote on napkins, bills, slips of paper or anything handy; short single sentence comments about every facet of life as talked about at the bar. While one of the most quoted patrons of the bar was named Duffy, many other patrons made comments that Tom collected. Each of these statements is prefaced with a short "setting of the stage" that helps to define both the meaning and context of the quotation. It was not uncommon to hear someone in the bar say "well according to Duffy." and then quote something he might have said on the subject matter being discussed.This book was written to share the humor and laughter that you need to survive in this complex modern world. Nothing contained in the book is an attempt to imitate other published works that are similar in nature.
My intent in writing this book was to simply give you a good "laugh, and a feeling of relief" if you find that you also share the same thoughts and feelings at times. It is best thought of as a "bathroom" book to help you read and prepare for "just another day of life" among the many you have had and the many you hope to have in the future.Of the thousands of quotations it came down to these in this book that seem to be timeless and poignant. Feel free to laugh or get angry, but it is my hope for the former and that if you feel the latter to make that feeling go away. The essays in this book are written to share with others some of the moments in my life.