Anyone who has embarked on the completion of the latest Church of England SIAMS Self Evaluation Framework will immediately be struck by the difficulty of providing meaningful and realistic impact evidence for each of the 7 strands. It is a very difficult task - even for the most self-evaluative of schools.This book offers a wide range of suggestions and practical examples on how best to evidence exactly how your school's Vision and provision have enabled all of its pupils to flourish. The tools used to evidence and measure impact are taken from schools that have been graded as 'excellent' under the new inspection framework. Many of the examples included in this book have been explicitly referenced against the strands of the Self Evaluation Framework so it is easy to unite impact tools with appropriate strands. Resources include bespoke SEF Questionnaires ('Pupil Voice', 'Staff Christian Vision', RE Parent Questionnaire, Governor Questionnaire and Clergy/PCC Questionnaire), Lesson Observation Templates, examples of more-able challenges and Collective Worship Reviews."The wide range of questionnaires alone helped me to evidence the impact of our provision across most of the strands. These impact tools undoubtedly helped us to achieve an 'excellent' judgement; they enabled us to tangibly illustrate the depth of our provision and the positive impact that this has on the whole school community.
" L.W. (Head Teacher).