Liz Tomkins was made redundant from her job with the Education Department situated on the border of Abbotsford town, after fifteen years loyal service. Following a brief spell of signing on the dole, she gained employment as a Personal Assistant to James Finch, Finch & Co, Financial Consultants in Abbotsford town centre. (Ten minutes from where she used to work). Liz's employer informed her at the interview that he would like her to use her own initiative as his PA and improve the work environment. She was more than ready for the challenge, but seemingly everything she tried to accomplish was either not good enough or over the top. There was no happy medium - no pleasing James Finch, and his grumpy behaviour, that he tried to blame on Liz's incompetence, was nothing more than common bullying. She ended up being ill through stress, sacked from her job without compensation, and when Liz tried to seek justice through the courts for unfair dismissal, Finch lied to cover his web of deceit. He tried to get away without paying Liz the money he owed her, almost succeeding into the bargain.
However, he hadn't reckoned on this gutsy young woman fighting back, with a clear conscience, to recoup every single penny he owed her, plus interest. She had an inner strength and moral courage, both of which Finch lacked, and fought to clear her name by simply telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help her God.