Section One: Gerneral Principles of the Law of Trusts Part A: introduction to the Law of Trusts Introduction: The Scope of the Book 1. The Nature of the Trust Part B: Express Private Trusts 2. The Three Certainties 3. Certainty of Subject Matter 4. Certainty of Objects 5. The Constitution of an Express Private Trust 6. Trusts for Non-Charitable Purposes: The Beneficiary Principle 7. The Nature of a Beneficary's Interest 8.
Trusts with Unlawful Purposes: The Rules Against Perpetuities, Against Inalienability, and Against Excessive Accumulations Part C: The Duties and Powers of Trustees 10. The Duties of Trustees: Part One 111. The Duties of Trustees: Part Two 12. Disclosure of Information by Trustees 13. The Powers of Trustees: Part One 14. The Powers of Trustees: Part Two 15. Delegation by Trustees 16. Powers of Revocation 17.
Disclaimer, Release, and Extinguishment of Powers 18. The Excessive Execution of a Power 19. Fraud on a Power 20. The Judicial Review of the Exercise of Trustee's Discretions 21. Rights of Trustees 22. Death, Retirement, Removal, and Appointment of Trustees 23. Particular Trustees and Protectors 24. Variation and Amendment of Trusts Part D: Trusts Implied by Law 25.
An Introduction to Trusts Implied by Law 26. Resulting Trusts 27. Constructive Trusts in Reponse to Unconscionable Behaviour 28. Constructive Trusts to Enforce Agreements 29. Constructive Trusts in Response to Abuse of Fiduciary Position 30. The Liability of Strangers to Account as Constructive Trustees Part F: Private Client Trusts 34. Private Client Trusts: Inheritance Tax 35. Interest in Possession Trusts 36.
Trusts for Minors and Young Persons 37. Discretionary Trusts 38. Disabled Trusts 39. Testamentary Trusts Part G: International Trusts 40. Offshore Asset Protection Trusts 41. Offshore Purpose Trusts 42. The Cayman Islands' STAR Trust, the British Virgin Islands Special Trusts Act 2003 43. International Trusts: Choice of Law 44.
Jurisdiction, Remedies and the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements Part H: Occupational Pension Schemes 45. Nature and Structure of Occupational Pension Scheme Trusts 46. Trusteeship and Duties of Trustees of Occupational Pension Scheme Trusts 47. Legislation Affecting Benefits 48. Amendment Termination, and Regulation of Occupational Pension Schemes Part I: Trusts in Financial Transactions 49. Trustees in the Law of Finance 50. Trusts of Financial Instruments and Money 51. Trusts Used to take Security in Commercial Transactions 52.
Trusts in Relation to Debt Securities 53. Unit Trusts 54. Investment of Private Express Trusts Part J: Trusts Used in Commercial Contexts 55. Trusts which Conduct a Business 56. Fiduciary Liability in the Creation of Financial and Commercial Transactions 57. Trusts and the Termination of Contracts Part K: TRusts of the Land and of Home 58. Trusts of the Family Home 59. Trusts of Land.