Preface Acknowledgments Part I. Mechanisms 1. Explaining Social Change Social Change Explanatory Styles Mental, Neural, and Social Mechanisms Emergence The Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Applications Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 1: Social Change 2. Mental Mechanisms Cognition and Emotion Brains and Semantic Pointers Images Concepts Beliefs Rules Analogies Emotions Mapping Values Inference and Coherence Emotion-Driven Inferences Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 2: Mental Mechanisms 3. Social Mechanisms Social Mechanisms and Communication What are Social Mechanisms? Structural Connections Social Interactions Verbal Communication Inter-Agent Inference Social Mechanisms for Spreading Emotions Multilevel Explanations Change and Emergence Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 3: Social Mechanisms Part II. Social Sciences 4. Social Psychology: Romantic Relationships Relationships Matter Social Cognition and Microsociology Mechanisms in Relationships Murray and Holmes on Interdependent Minds Romantic Relationships: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Trust and Commitment Love Romantic Interactions Contrast with Gottman Relationship Success and Failure Does the Heart Want What It Wants? Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 4: Social Psychology 5. Sociology: Prejudice and Discrimination Discrimination and Prejudice Stereotypes Women: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Jews: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Social Norms and Institutions Overcoming Prejudice Conceptual Change Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 5: Sociology 6.
Politics: Ideology Political Change Political Mechanisms Ideology: 3-Analysis Ideology: Value Maps Ideological Change The Islamic State: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Nazi Ideology Anarchism Extreme Right-Wing Political Movements Explaining Rwanda Atrocities Power Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 6: Politics 7. Economics: Bubbles and Crashes Beyond Animal Spirits Economic Decisions Booms and Bubbles: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Panics and Crashes: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Mindful Economics Reflexivity Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 7: Economics 8. Anthropology: Religion Cultures Religion The Latter-Day Saint Religion: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Why is the LDS Church Successful? Why is Religion Generally So Successful? Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 8: Anthropology 9. History and International Relations: War Explaining War History International Relations Nationalism Origins of the First World War: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Minds and Groups Historical Explanation Social Cognitivism as a Theory of International Relations Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 9: History Part III. Professions 10. Medicine: Mental Illness Mind, Society, and the Professions Medicine Mental Illness Depression: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Depression: Multilevel Mechanisms Treating Depression Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 10: Medicine 11. Law: Wrongful Conviction and Criminal Responsibility Legal Mechanisms Legal Coherence Wrongful Conviction: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Explaining Wrongful Convictions The Brain and Legal Responsibility Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 11: Law 12. Education: Teaching and Conceptual Change Learning and Teaching Vaccination: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Conceptual Change Teaching Better Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 12: Education 13.
Engineering: Creative Design Creative Engineering Steve Jobs and Apple: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Engineering Creativity Teaching Creativity Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 13: Engineering 14. Business: Leadership and Marketing Vision Emotional Intelligence Charisma Leadership of Ed Catmull: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Marketing and Emotional Coherence Apple''s Marketing: Social Cognitive-Emotional Workup Enhancing Collective Emotional Intelligence Professions and Social Change Summary and Discussion Notes to Chapter 14: Business References Index.