1950s Television Advertising : The Sponsors and Programs
1950s Television Advertising : The Sponsors and Programs
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Author(s): Terrace, Vincent
ISBN No.: 9781476693934
Pages: 253
Year: 202501
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 131.10
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Table of Contents Preface The Sponsors Alcoa Aluminum 5 * Blatz Beer 6 * Borden's Dairy Products 7 * Brylcreem Hair Tonic 10 * Bulova Watches 12 * Buster Brown Shoes 13 * Camel Cigarettes 14 * Campbell Soup 18 * Carnation Evaporated Milk 21 * Chesterfield Cigarettes 23 * Chevrolet 24 * Chrysler 25 * Coca-Cola 29 * Colgate-Palmolive 31 * DuMont Telesets 36 * Ford Automobiles 37 * General Electric 40 * General Foods 42 * General Mills 47 * General Motors 52 * Glim Dishwashing Liquid 57 * Gulf Oil 58 * ­­Jell-O 59 * Kaiser Aluminum Foil 60 * Kellogg's Cereals 62 * Kent Cigarettes 72 * Kraft Foods 74 * L&M Cigarettes 75 * Lionel Trains 77 * Lucky Strike Cigarettes 78 * Lux Soap 80 * Mars Candies 82 * Max Factor Cosmetics 83 * Mogen David Wine 85 * Nabisco 87 * Nescafé Instant Coffee 90 * Old Gold Cigarettes 92 * Ovaltine Chocolate Drink Mix 93 * Pall Mall Cigarettes 94 * ­­Pepsi-Cola 96 * Philip Morris Cigarettes 97 * Pillsbury Flour 100 * Popsicle Ice Pops 101 * Post Cereals 102 * Powerhouse Candy Bar 109 * Procter & Gamble 111 * Quaker Oats 119 * ­­Ralston-Purina 121 * RCA Victor 124 * Revlon Cosmetics 126 * Reynolds Aluminum 129 * Rheingold Beer 130 * Salem Cigarettes 132 * Sealtest Dairy Products 133 * Swan Soap 134 * Toni Hair Care Products 136 * Viceroy Cigarettes 138 * Weber's Bread 139 * Wheaties Cereal 140 * Winky Dink Merchandise 142 * Winston Cigarettes 143 As Originally Broadcast Celebrity Commercials Appendix A: Mascots Appendix B: Jingles Appendix C: Slogans Appendix D: Sponsor and Program List Appendix E: Program and Sponsor List Product Index Performer Index.

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