The first of a new series curated by Michelle Tea, Drag Queen Story Hour Books will allow readers to experience the magic of the DQSH event series anytime and anywhere. The children's books will be authored and illustrated by a range of feminist and queer writers and artists, including drag queen readers who have participated in DQSH events. Each book will be looked over by sensitivity readers to ensure a high standard of educational content. Although DQSH is not new, in the past couple of years, the program has come under more scrutiny than ever before. Programming has been met with both positive and negative attention, ranging from glowing media coverage to conservative lawsuits, protestors against the event and subsequent protestors against the initial protestors. The series and book come at a perfect time to provide material for those interested in DQSH, and also provide adults with a take-home resource and picture book that encapsulates the program's values of free self-expression, creativity, and acceptance. Tabitha and Magoo Dress Up, Too showcases a local library as positive community sites of learning and understanding, honoring DQSH's longstanding relationship with librarians. The marketing plan includes a strong outreach proponent to children's librarians.
The book will be featured in 2020's LA DragCon, the biggest convention for drag culture, and will feature endorsements from several celebrity drag queens.