During his years in law enforcement, Eric Tackett worked a number of assignments, frompatrol to major crimes investigation. One of his favorite assignments was a brief stint as"Officer Friendly" at the local grade school. He still has the "thank you" letters he receivedfrom the kids he met.Like many police officers, one of Tackett's pet peeves was the parent who, upon seeing him inuniform in a public place would tell the small child accompanying the parent "You see that copover there? You better be good, or he'll take you away."Although it may be well intended, that little psychological ploy is believed to plant seeds of fearand mistrust of the police that can be counter productive in the long run.In an attempt to address the situation delicately, and with humor, the author developed theconcept of this work, eventually creating the story and text as presented in this book.Mr. Tackett is currently a licensed private investigator specializing in insurance and healthcare fraud investigations (www.
tackettassociates.org). He also serves as the director oftraining for the California Investigative Academy, creating anti-fraud training materials and textbooks for the insurance industry, as well as local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.You may visit the Academy web site at www.cia-online.org. The California InvestigativeAcademy is a California Department of Insurance (CDI) approved Continuing Education (CE)provider.