Mini Hydropower Tong Jiandong, Zheng Naibo, Wang Xianhuan, Hai Jing, Ding Huishen Hangzhou Regional Centre for Small Hydro Power, China Mini hydropower (MHP) is an increasingly important means of generating primary electricity using the water resources of small rivers. A clean, cost-effective and renewable energy resource, MHP is a well-developed technology, and ideal for deployment in areas remote from the national grid. Describing mini hydrostations with a capacity of between 0.5MW to 2MW, this comprehensive text focuses on the practical development of this technology, from planning and design, through economic and social benefits. Features include: Detailed discussion on all aspects of hydrology and hydroenergy design. Study of the geological problems encountered during mini hydro construction. Presentation of the latest technology required for mini hydro plants from water turbines to electrical equipment. Consideration of the economic and financial feasibility of this energy resource and the social and environmental impact on the community.
Useful self-assessment question and answer sections at the end of each chapter. Written by a team of experts in China, this thorough text will allow exploitation of the technology at an international level. This book will appeal to both advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as professionals in the fields of power engineering, mini hydropower development and related technical service personnel. Mini Hydropower forms a part of the Energy Engineering Learning Package. Organised by UNESCO, this distance learning package has been established to train engineers to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow in this exciting field of energy engineering. It has been developed by an international team of distinguished academics, co-ordinated by Dr Boris Berkovski. This modular course will appeal to advanced undergraduate and post-graduate students, as well as practising power engineers in industry.