Publicity Campaign The first-ever Britannica Encyclopedia for children under three, in a beautifully illustrated, large-format board book. PR angle focusing on this being new and different and a category killer like the Britannica All New Kids' Encyclopedia (now sold 200,000 copies globally). Brilliant PR will focus on TV slots, national broadsheet media and instagram influencers. The Encyclopedia was featured on Fox News and ABC News channels - will try and replicate this success again. Brilliant PR will maximise publicity to parenting world with their excellent connections with Toys and Games media teams. Publisher Spotlight will be showcasing the titles at Librarian and Teachers trade shows. Send out to major long lead review publications in July when advances come in. Bulk stock due in the warehouse in August.
Pitch reviews and interviewsto appropriate Mommy and Daddy blogs. Submit for Publishers Weekly seasonal announcement issues. Submit to multiple awards. Marketing Campaign Full power of Britannica brand, including: Britannica's digital marketing channels with a total 32 million page views/month. Email consumer campaign to 1 million subscribers before and after pub date Baby's Encyclopedia Britannica featured in website content and banner ads. Social media campaign launched 1 month before pub date to 1 million social media followers. BB website updated to feature new season's books https://books.britannica.
com/ 8-page full-color blad will be available and also uploaded onto Issuu. Sell in video will be available for all of this season's titles--tailor made for Ingram. Marketing photos will be uploaded to Edelweiss. Amazon will have improved A+ page with better design and focus on unique selling points. Book trailer uploaded for Amazon and available for sales meetings. Regular E blasts to Independent Bookshops via Regionals. Trade ad campaign to include Shelf Awareness, Publishers Weekly and Regional Bookseller Associations. Social Media Dedicated @BritannicaBooks channels on Twitter and Instagram.
Produce 1-2 Tik Tok videos. 4 posts - 3 for Instagram and 1 for Twitter. Marketing photos and pack shots. Add books to Pinterest lists. Additional focus on younger audience as age group is 0-3.