Emphasis on making informed decisions Mike Sullivan helps students connect statistical concepts with their everyday lives, teaching them to think critically and make informed decisions. Putting It Together features connect concepts from different chapters to show statistics as a whole, rather than a series of disconnected procedures. Putting It Together sections ask students to identify the correct approach to solving a problem, while Putting It Together problems integrated throughout the text help students to tie concepts together and see the entire statistical process. Making an Informed Decision chapter openers pose a question, and then present the statistical concept necessary for prudent decision-making. This feature engages the reader in the statistical-thinking process and highlights the practicality of statistics. UPDATED - The Student Activity Workbook includes new activities to be used with students, as well as ideas for semester-long projects, including the use of StatCrunch. Accompanied by an instructor resource guide with suggestions for incorporating activities into the classroom, the workbook helps to actively engage students with the material. NEW - Author-specific applets made for this course can be used in the classroom or as part of a project featured in the Activity Workbook, asking students to manipulate data using technology to better understand concepts.
New applet exercises in the MyLab encourage this exploration. Case Studies conclude each chapter, promoting active learning and helping students apply their knowledge. StatCrunch is a powerful, web-¿based statistical software integrated into MyLab Statistics, so students can quickly and easily analyze any data set, including those from their text and MyLab Statistics exercises. StatCrunch users can access tens of thousands of shared data sets, create and conduct online surveys, pull data from almost any web page, and perform complex analyses using the powerful statistical software. StatCrunch Projects in MyLab Statistics provide opportunities for students to explore data beyond the classroom. In each project, students analyze a large data set in StatCrunch and answer corresponding, assignable questions for immediate feedback. StatCrunch Projects span the entire curriculum or focus on certain key concepts. Opportunities for self-assessment and prerequisite mastery Throughout the course, features that enable students to check their understanding - or get up to speed on prerequisites in a corequisite course - are available to provide optimal support.
UPDATED - Integrated Review in the MyLab course offers corequisite support - or can be used simply to get underprepared students up to speed. Based on the author''s own experience with corequisite courses, Integrated Review provides embedded and personalized review of prerequisite topics, selected by the author, within relevant chapters. In this revision, select topics have been added to provide further review. All assignments are premade and editable for instructors to assign. Premade, assignable Skills Check assignments check each student''s understanding of prerequisite skills needed to be successful in the following chapter. For any skills gaps that are identified, a personalized review homework is populated. Students receive personalized practice on the topics they need to focus on - no more, no less. For any topics a student may have gaps on, a suite of resources support student learning.
Videos, a full Integrated Review eText, and new Integrated Review worksheets are available to help students understand the objectives they missed on the Skills Check quiz. The Integrated Review eText includes review from Mike Sullivan''s developmental math series. A printed version of the Integrated Review eText is available for corequisite support as well. NEW - Personal Inventory Assessments in the MyLab course are a collection of online exercises designed to promote self-reflection and engagement in students. These 33 assessments include topics such as a Stress Management Assessment, Diagnosing Poor Performance and Enhancing Motivation, and Time Management Assessment. Preparing for this Section quizzes verify that students have the prerequisite knowledge for the next section, and include page numbers for quick reference. Retain Your Knowledge problems help students in recalling skills learned earlier in the course, so that the material is fresh for the final exam. These appear periodically at the end of section exercises.
Video support in the course means that students have support anytime, anywhere. NEW - Lightboard videos featuring the author develop statistical concepts for students. Author in the Classroom videos feature the author''s own lectures with his class, giving students an authentic lecture experience. Great for online courses or when students miss a lecture. UPDATED - Animated video s explain concepts or tie material learned earlier in the course with the upcoming chapter or section. Additional animated videos have been added to the 6th edition course. Chapter Test Videos are available for each chapter test problem in complete, worked-out video solutions either solved by hand, using the TI-84C, or StatCrunch. Abundant practice opportunities Students learn best by doing - so ample opportunities for practice, often using real data to keep topics relevant and motivate students, are found throughout.
NEW - Threaded Tornado Problems throughout the text present a single, large data set that measures various variables on all tornadoes that struck the United States in 2017. Students learn various statistical techniques while using the same data set, showing how data can be manipulated to accomplish various tasks. Marked with a tornado icon, these problems can be used as a semester-long project for students, giving them another opportunity to work with real data from recent events. Corresponding MyLab problems around this tornado data set are also available. NEW - Over 350 new and updated exercises are included, many of which focus more on students'' abilities to explain the results of their statistical analysis than on computation. In addition, exercises have been written to require students to understand pitfalls in faulty statistical analysis. Multiple types of exercises are used at the end of sections and chapters to test varying skills with progressive levels of difficulty. These exercises include Vocabulary and Skill Building, Applying the Concepts, and Explaining the Concepts.
Big Data Problems let students analyze data sets with more than 50 observations, which cover tens of thousands of observations with thousands of variables, giving them a taste of professional data analysis. These problems are marked with an icon and the data is available at www.pearsonhighered.com/sullivanstats. NEW - Additional data sets in the 6th Edition are larger and more complex to support modern data analysis. NEW - Over 100 new and updated examples keep this text fresh and relevant for today''s students. Step-by-Step Annotated Examples guide students from problem to solution in three easy-to-follow steps: Problem, Approach, Solution . Solutions demonstrate using both by-hand and technology methods, where applicable.
Chapter Review sections include a Chapter Summary, a list of key chapter Vocabulary, and Chapter Objectives with corresponding Review Exercises. A Chapter Test with video solutions ends each chapter. Learning Catalytics (tm) is a student response tool integrated into the MyLab Statistics course that uses students'' smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more interactive tasks and thinking. It helps to foster student engagement and peer-¿to-¿peer learning, generate class discussion, and guide lectures with real¿-time analytics. Search "SullivanStats" to use premade questions in Learning Catalytics written by Mike Sullivan for this title. Technology integration for optimal student support Integration of technology in the text and MyLab course provides abundant support for students, no matter the statistical software being used in the course. NEW - R Manual --Written by Patrick Murphy (nephew of the author) and Michael Sullivan, the R Technology Guide provides a chapter-by-chapter discussion of R commands needed for each topic. Technology Step-by-Step guide s show how to use StatCrunch, Minitab®, Excel®, and the TI-83/84 graphing calculator to complete statistics processes.
Data sets with 12 or more observations are included in the MyLab c.