"This is a remarkable work that will become an essential reference source in land management issues in Arizona and throughout the West."--Bruce Babbitt, Governor of Arizona (1978-1987) and Secretary of the Interior (1993-2001) "Strom has taken a very complex series of issues and addressed them in a unique manner. Not only has he carefully explained the importance of landscape-scale efforts and how very different individuals have worked together to attempt to address these complex issues, he has also skillfully presented present-day landscapes and circumstances along with the impacts of geologic time frames. Strom shows us how the portion of the earth we inherit today has been greatly impacted by geologic events of the distant past. This is an interesting and fresh approach that takes us on a journey, making us conscious of both the importance and the urgency of landscape-scale conservation efforts and how individuals can interact to bring about important change. A must-have for your conservation library."--D. Dean Bibles, BLM state director, Arizona and Oregon/Washington "From the overview of the multiregional planning area to the descriptions of the overall process and stakeholder efforts, the reader gets a sense of the vision, skill, and serendipity required to put these large planning efforts in motion.
I was reminded many times of the remarkable individuals who made seemingly impossible advances in the face of sweeping adversity. Particularly impressive is the author's clear portrayal of the issues we face in the future: climate change impacting land conservation, land management and restoration, and economic vitality."--Diana Freshwater, president and founding director of Arizona Land and Water Trust "With cauldron-like weather blistering the planet at this most perilous moment in human history, new land use and habitat repair efforts have begun. Strom's much-needed book surveys four landscape-scale adaptation and restoration projects, providing us with templates to get on board. Although it's unpleasant wading through the trail of damage, this is a hopeful must-read."--A. Thomas Cole, author of Restoring the Pitchfork Ranch: How Healing a Southwest Oasis Holds Promise for Our Endangered Land.