Reconnect with a more mindful enjoyment of cooking and spark your creativity. Rediscover traditional culinary skills made accessible for the creative, contemporary cook. This cookbook is for people who like to cook beyond the everyday, for whom cooking is an expression of artistry, a way to reconnect with ingredients and processes, and an enjoyment of food before the era of mass production and passive consumption. This cookbook is for people who like to escape to their kitchen and plan a new culinary project; who would be proud to feed their sourdough starter, culture their next batch of kefir, salt and hang their curing sausages; who are happy to leave their chutney to mature and their home-brewed wine to mellow; who are up for the challenge of building their own smoker and rigging up a turning spit to roast over an open fire. The Artisan Kitchen is a compendium of culinary projects, each explored in three stages to spark your creativity: "The Science" explains the science and technical know-how; "The Practice" gets you started on an enticing recipe, with action shots of tricky techniques; and "The Possibilities" provides further recipe ideas plus the tools and inspiration to devise your own recipes. With a modern twist to age-old techniques, The Artisan Kitchen will revolutionize how you think about and enjoy food.
The Artisan Kitchen : The Science, Practice and Possibilities