The Ultimate French Review and Practice, Premium Fourth Edition
The Ultimate French Review and Practice, Premium Fourth Edition
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Author(s): Stillman, David M.
ISBN No.: 9781260452419
Pages: 464
Year: 202401
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 28.51
Status: Out Of Print

Preface I Verbs--Basic Forms and Uses 1 Present Tense The Present Tense of Regular - er , - ir , and - re Verbs Spelling Changes in the Present Tense of Regular - er Verbs First-Conjugation (- er ) Verbs with Mute e as the Stem Vowel First-Conjugation (- er ) Verbs with é as the Stem Vowel Uses of the Present Tense Pour parler un français authentique Speak Real French The Prefix re - 2 Present Tense of Irregular Verbs Common Irregular Verbs Expressions with avoir , être , faire , and prendre Irregular Verbs Resembling Regular Verbs Other Irregular Verbs Verbal Constructions Pour parler un français authentique Speak Real French The Verb System in Spoken French 3 Negative Sentences Basic Negative Structures Other Negative Structures Ne. que Pour parler un français authentique Speak Real French Further Uses of ne. que only 4 Interrogative Sentences Question Formation 5 Imperative 6 Passé Composé Passé Composé with avoir Passé Composé with être Special Cases Agreement of the Past Participle 7 Imperfect; Imperfect Versus Passé Composé The Imperfect Tense Uses of the Imperfect Tense: The Imperfect Contrasted with the Passé Composé Other Uses of the Imperfect Tense Special Meanings of Certain Verbs Pour parler un français authentique Speak Real French The Imperfect Tense 8 Reflexive Verbs Conjugation and Use of Reflexive Verbs The Infinitive of Reflexive Verbs The Passé Composé of Reflexive Verbs Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs The Imperative of Reflexive Verbs Other Reflexive Constructions and Reflexive Verbs 9 Future and Conditional; Conditional Sentences (1) The Future Tense Use of the Future After quand and Other Conjunctions The Conditional Conditional Sentences (1) Pour parler un français authentique Speak Real French Pronunciation of the Future and Conditional 10 Pluperfect, Future Perfect, and Past Conditional; Conditional Sentences (2) The Pluperfect ( Le plus-que-parfait ) The Future Perfect ( Le futur antérieur ) The Conditional Perfect ( Le conditionnel passé ) Conditional Sentences (2) 11 Passé Simple Formation and Use of the Passé Simple The Passé Simple of Irregular Verbs 12 Present Participles; Uses of the Infinitive The Present Participle Uses of the Infinitive Verb + à + Infinitive Verb + de + Infinitive Verb + Object + de + Infinitive Adjective or Noun + Preposition + Infinitive Faire + Infinitive II Nouns and Their Modifiers; Pronouns 13 Nouns: Gender, Number, and Articles; Uses of Articles Gender and Number of Nouns; Definite and Indefinite Articles Plural Nouns Determining the Gender of Nouns Determining the Gender of Nouns (Continued) C''est Versus il / elle est The Partitive Expressions of Quantity Uses of Articles 14 Stressed Pronouns; Subject-Verb Agreement Stressed Pronouns--Forms and Usage Subject-Verb Agreement with Stressed Pronouns and Other Special Cases 15 Possessive and Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Possession and Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns Demonstrative Adjectives Demonstrative Pronouns 16 Interrogative Adjectives and Pronouns, and Other Question Words Interrogative Adjectives Interrogative Pronoun lequel Interrogative Pronouns who, whom, what, and Other Question Words 17 Adjectives, Comparatives, and Superlatives Gender of Adjectives Plural of Adjectives Position of Adjectives Comparison of Adjectives, Adverbs, Nouns, and Verbs Superlative of Adjectives, Adverbs, and Nouns Pour parler un français authentique Speak Real French Adjectives 18 Object Pronouns Direct Object Pronouns Indirect Object Pronouns Pronoun y Pronoun en Double Object Pronouns Restrictions on the Use of Object Pronouns Object Pronouns in Affirmative Commands III Other Elements of the Sentence 19 Numbers; Time; Dates Cardinal Numbers to 99 Cardinal Numbers 100 and Above Ordinal Numbers Telling Time Days, Dates, and Years 20 Adverbs Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of Time Adverbs of Place Adverbial Phrases 21 Negatives and Indefinites Negative Words Indefinite Words and Expressions Indefinite Words and Expressions (Continued) Idioms and Expressions with Negative and Indefinite Words 22 Prepositions; Prepositions with Geographical Names The Preposition à The Preposition de The Prepositions avec and sans The Prepositions en and dans Sur, sous , and Related Prepositions Entre, pour , and par Other Prepositions Prepositions with Geographical Names IV Verbs in Two-Clause Sentences 23 Relative Clauses The Relative Pronouns qui and que Preposition + qui and lequel Dont Other Relatives Relatives Without Antecedents 24 The Present Subjunctive Moods of Verbs Forms of the Present Subjunctive Uses of the Subjunctive: Imposition of Will, Necessity, Getting Someone to Do Something Uses of the Subjunctive: Emotion and Opinion Uses of the Subjunctive: Negation of Fact and Opinion Uses of the Subjunctive: Special Cases Pour parler un français authentique Speak Real French The Present Subjunctive 25 The Past Subjunctive; Literary Subjunctives Forms and Use of the Past Subjunctive Forms and Use of the Imperfect Subjunctive Forms and Use of the Pluperfect Subjunctive 26 The Subjunctive (Continued) The Subjunctive After Certain Conjunctions The Subjunctive in Relative Clauses The Subjunctive After Superlatives The Subjunctive in Certain Types of Indefinite Clauses V Idiomatic Usage 27 The Passive Voice and Substitutes for the Passive The Passive Voice ( La voix passive ) Substitutes for the Passive Voice 28 Important Idioms and Proverbs Idioms with avoir and être Idioms with faire Idioms with prendre Idioms with mettre Idioms with voir Idioms with dire Expressions with Other Common Verbs Idioms from Rural Life: The Farm, Cats, Dogs, and Cabbages Idioms Relating to Time, Weather, the Life Cycle, and Eating Other Idioms Proverbs VI Review 29 Review Exercises Appendices Verb Charts Written Conventions Answer Key Index McGraw-Hill''s Language Lab app: Flashcards: 190 sets Diagnostic and Review Tests: 50 questions each Practice Exercises: 190 quizzes Audio: 13 modules for listening comprehension and speaking practice.

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