Contents: Part 1 Field Study Reports: The direction of activity and communication in a departmental executive group, Tom Burns; Differential decisions in the management of an industrial plant, Norman H. Martin; Management in action, Tom Burns; The work activities of 'middle managers' - an exploratory study, J.H. Horne and Lupton; Roles in a manufacturing organization, D.L. Marples; Managerial work: analysis from observation, Henry Mintzberg; Predictors of variation in managerial roles, John Child and Tony Ellis; What effective general managers really do, John P. Kotter; Managerial behaviour, uncertainty and hierarchy: a prelude to a synthesis, Jane Hannaway; What do successful managers really do? An observational study of managerial activities, Fred Luthans, Stuart A. Rosenkrantz and Harry W.
Hennessey. Part 2 Methodology, Concepts and Critiques: The use of diaries to study managers' jobs, Rosemary Stewart; Studies of managers - a fresh start?, D.L. Marples; Structured observations as a method to study managerial work, Henry Mintzberg; How managers plan - the analysis of managers' activities, Neil Snyder and William F. Glueck; A model for understanding managerial jobs and behaviour, Rosemary Stewart; Beyond structured observation: methodological issues and new directions, Mark J. Matrinko and William L. Gardner; What do managers do? A critical review of the evidence, Colin P. Hales; Are the classical management functions useful in describing managerial work?, Stephen J.
Carroll and Dennis J. Gillen; Studying managerial work: a critique and a proposal, Hugh Wilmott: Studies of managerial jobs and behaviour: the ways forward, Rosemary Stewart; On the nature of managerial tasks and skills: their distinguishing characteristics and organization, Richard Whitley; Managerial work: 40 years later, Henry Mintzberg; Enactment in managerial jobs: a role analysis, Nanette Fondas and Rosemary Stewart; Index.