I Ching, a Book about Change
I Ching, a Book about Change
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Author(s): Stephenson, Susan
ISBN No.: 9781475040883
Pages: 78
Year: 201204
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 12.41
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (On Demand)

The author's near 40-year study and fascination of the I CHING gave rise to this interpretation. Receiving and sharing this wisdom over half her lifetime, Stephenson provides a unique facet to this ancient Oracle. Simplicity often proves our most direct, discerning guide. This volume which distills the Oracle's counsel, is inspired by countless requests and feedback for personal readings for friends. Illustrated with her own images, she expands and embellishes the reader's experience through visual metaphor. How does "this" work? How can "it" work? After almost 40 years of inquiry, Stephenson does not know. Does it "work?" Sample it, and answer for yourself. The late C.

G. Jung counseled that the "less one thinks about the theory of the I CHING, the more soundly one sleeps." Jung termed the word "synchronicity" to describe "the coincidence of events in space and time as meaning something more than mere chance." Random chance in composing each hexagram, logically lends doubt to validity. One tosses three coins, six times, recording the six lines that build the hexagram which corresponds with the ancient text's observations of the human condition. In learning the 64 conditions and experiencing their returns, however, one's doubt turns to awe in the face of mystery. The photographic metaphors and insightful quotes hope to provide additional reference points that might embrace greater depth, or at times, even life's humor. Stephenson has observed those whose focus is restricted to fundamental or literalist interpretations of scriptural material.

Some tend to dismiss this ancient Oracle as evil in origin for the exotic mystery of its methods. To them, she directs the teachings of Jesus whose counsel inquires what benefit might evil gain by promoting good? Many fine, scholarly interpretations of the I CHING portray its rich history and content, dating back to its early Chinese roots. Each interpretation provides one facet of this ancient diamond. Each provides and expands this valuable, beneficial resource according to the needs of those who seek its guidance. Stephenson encourages further examination of these texts to expand and deepen the wisdom each contains, for each is presented through a unique filter and with a unique voice. This POD version has been modified from the original Kindle version.

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