1. Focus Structures 2. Relative Clauses II 3. Impersonals 4. Verbal Noun Aspectual Constructions 5. Adverbial Clauses 6. Adverbial Predicates 7. Directional Adverbs 8.
Directional Adverbs II 9. Comparison of Adjectives 10.Comparison 2 11. Habitual Tenses 12. Conditionals 13. Causative and Inchoative Structures 14. Higher Numbers 15. Word Formation I: Compounding 16.
Word Formation II: Prefixes 17. Word Formation III: Suffixes 18. Subjunctive 19. Verbless Clauses 20. Dative Case 21. More Prepositional Pronouns 22. Compound Prepositions 23. Dialect Variation 24.
Inflected Verbs 25. Prepositions and Dialect 26. Is/b Interactions and Alternatives.