The Dental Hygienist's Guide to Nutritional Care, 4th Edition , is specifically tailored to address relevant nutritional concerns for both practicing hygienists and dental hygiene students alike. Written by an author team with experience in both disciplines, this full-color text offers a balanced and comprehensive view of how nutrition affects dental health. In addition to basic nutritional advice relevant for dental hygienists, coverage also includes current nutritional concerns, such as high-protein diets, bottled water versus tap water, the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and the new ( graphic and food guidance system. A new chapter on biochemistry expands coverage of a topic that is addressed on the dental hygiene board exam. No other nutritional guide in dental hygiene offers so much! Comprehensive coverage addresses all the need-to-know areas within dental hygiene, specifically the foundations of nutrition, clinical nutrition, and nutrition specific to oral health. UNIQUE! Dental hygiene focus gives you the specific background you need to effectively educate patients on proper oral health. The multidisciplinary author team of Cynthia Stegeman and Judi Davis brings together years of education and experience in both dental hygiene and in nutrition, ensuring that you learn the full scope of nutritional care for oral health.
Case Applications, Case Studies, Student Readiness, and Health Applications features stress content application and reinforce your critical thinking skills. Learning objectives, key terms, and Test Your NQ , a true-false format pre-test at the beginning of each chapter, guide you through the text and reinforce domain knowledge. Full-color design clearly illustrates key concepts, particularly the effects vitamin deficiency can have on the oral cavity. NEW! Biochemistry chapter provides foundational concepts that support content throughout the book and also address coverage on the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE). NEW! Updated coverage includes new content on fluoride, vitamin D, calcium, the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the new graphic and food guidance system, and the latest research in this dynamic field. NEW! Full-color photographs and illustrations showcase current federal guidelines and exemplify the types of foods that supply various macro- and micronutrients. NEW! Practice quizzes allow you to test your comprehension along with instant feedback and remediation to address strengths and weaknesses.