Economics of Climate Change and Environmental Policy : Selected Papers of Robert N. Stavins, 2000-2011
Economics of Climate Change and Environmental Policy : Selected Papers of Robert N. Stavins, 2000-2011
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Author(s): Stavins
Stavins, Robert N.
ISBN No.: 9780857937377
Pages: 516
Year: 201301
Format: Trade Cloth (Hard Cover)
Price: $ 331.20
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Contents:AcknowledgementsIntroduction Robert N. Stavins PART I OVERVIEW 1. Robert N. Stavins (2011), 'The Problem of the Commons: Still Unsettled after 100 Years'2. Robert W. Hahn, Sheila M. Olmstead and Robert N. Stavins (2003), 'Environmental Regulation in the 1990s: A Retrospective Analysis'3.

Forest L. Reinhardt, Robert N. Stavins and Richard H.K. Vietor (2008), 'Corporate Social Responsibility through an Economic Lens'PART II METHODS OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ANALYSIS 4. Robert N. Stavins, Alexander F. Wagner and Gernot Wagner (2003), 'Interpreting Sustainability in Economic Terms: Dynamic Efficiency Plus Intergenerational Equity'5.

Lawrence H. Goulder and Robert N. Stavins (2002), 'An Eye on the Future: How Economists' Controversial Practice of Discounting Really Affects the Evaluation of Environmental Policies'6. Lori S. Bennear, Robert N. Stavins and Alexander F. Wagner (2005), 'Using Revealed Preferences to Infer Environmental Benefits: Evidence from Recreational Fishing Licenses'7. Judson Jaffe and Robert N.

Stavins (2007), 'On the Value of Formal Assessment of Uncertainty in Regulatory Analysis' PART III ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY INSTRUMENTS 8. Robert N. Stavins (2006), 'Vintage-Differentiated Environmental Regulation'9. Richard G. Newell and Robert N. Stavins (2003), 'Cost Heterogeneity and the Potential Savings from Market-Based Policies'10. Robert W. Hahn and Robert N.

Stavins (2011), 'The Effect of Allowance Allocations on Cap-and-Trade System Performance'11. Lori Snyder Bennear and Robert N. Stavins (2007), 'Second-Best Theory and the Use of Multiple Policy Instruments'PART IV ECONOMICS AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE12. Adam B. Jaffe, Richard G. Newell and Robert N. Stavins (2002), 'Environmental Policy and Technological Change' 13. Adam B.

Jaffe, Richard G. Newell and Robert N. Stavins (2005), 'A Tale of Two Market Failures: Technology and Environmental Policy'14. Lori D. Snyder, Nolan H. Miller and Robert N. Stavins (2003), 'The Effects of Environmental Regulation on Technology Diffusion: The Case of Chlorine Manufacturing'15. Richard G.

Newell, Adam B. Jaffe and Robert N. Stavins (2006), 'The Effects of Economic and Policy Incentives on Carbon Mitigation Technologies'PART V NATURAL RESOURCE AND ECONOMICS: LAND AND WATER 16. Ruben N. Lubowski, Andrew J. Plantinga and Robert N. Stavins (2008), 'What Drives Land-Use Change in the United States? A National Analysis of Landowner Decisions'17. Robin Cross, Andrew J.

Plantinga and Robert N. Stavins (2011), 'What is the Value of Terroir?'18. Sheila M. Olmstead, W. Michael Hanemann and Robert N. Stavins (2007), 'Water Demand under Alternative Price Structures'PART VI DOMESTIC CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY 19. Robert N. Stavins (2008), 'Addressing Climate Change with a Comprehensive US Cap-and-Trade System'20.

Lawrence H. Goulder and Robert N. Stavins (2011), 'Challenges from State-Federal Interactions in US Climate Change Policy'21. Ruben N. Lubowski, Andrew J. Plantinga and Robert N. Stavins (2006), 'Land-Use Change and Carbon Sinks: Econometric Estimation of the Carbon Sequestration Supply Function'22. Richard G.

Newell and Robert N. Stavins (2000), 'Climate Change and Forest Sinks: Factors Affecting the Costs of Carbon Sequestration' PART VII INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY23. Joseph E. Aldy, Scott Barrett and Robert N. Stavins (2003), 'Thirteen Plus One: A Comparison of Global Climate Policy Architectures'24. Robert N. Stavins (2005), 'Beyond Kyoto: Getting Serious about Climate Change'25. Sheila M.

Olmstead and Robert N. Stavins (2006), 'An International Policy Architecture for the Post-Kyoto Era'26. Judson Jaffe, Matthew Ranson and Robert N. Stavins (2009), 'Linking Tradable Permit Systems: A Key Element of Emerging International Climate Policy Architecture'.

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