NEW - All maps, tables and data updated to reflect most recent information available. NEW - New "Special Challenge" optional exercise on sequence of new members in United Nations Encourages students to use and apply basic place geography. NEW - New map of China's special administrative districts and special economic zones in Chapter 8 (East Asia). Can be used with any standard world atlas or geography textbook. Gives instructors the freedom to use the geography text of their choice. Three introductory chapters begin the text. Explains the importance of knowing placename geography and reviews topics such as: Earth's location grid, the lines of latitude and longitude, time zones and the International Date Line; and outlines place geography of the continents, major islands, and ocean and seas. Glossary of important land and water features.
Defines key terms for students. 10 regional chapters Each studies a major subdivision of Earth's lands and nations. Gives students a thorough introduction to each region followed by a survey of its important geographical features. Objectives and Study Hints. Highlights for students the significance of the geography of countries and peoples of the region. A review of the region's political, economic, and cultural geography and regional demographics. Provides students with the size, make up, and growth rates of its population. Check Up questions Appear in every chapter except the first.
Allows students to check their understanding of the material just learned. A summary of one or two important Geoconcepts Related to the places just studied (e.g., territorial seas and ocean sovereignty, megalopolis). "Special Challenge" exercises. Encourages students to focus on more complex geographic projects or problems. Regional Watchlist. Tracks recent trends and also notes potential or probable geographic changes.
Unique, integrated exercises. Asks students to fill in place names on outline maps and construct thematic maps that show, for the places named, aspects such as population density, physical features, language spoken, etc.