Science and faith should be allies, not opponents, in the search for truth. But when it comes to understanding the very beginnings of life, it is no easy task to reconcile the history taught in the Bible with the discoveries of the scientific community. Author Tim Stafford watched the tension between the beliefs of Darwin and the teaching of Genesis shake the faith of his family, ruin friendships, and leave Christians in the field of science feeling as though the doors of the church were closed to their profession. He believes this civil war can stop. The scientific record and the truth of the Bible aren''t mutually exclusive. The Adam Quest offers a compelling new look at the beginnings of life as Stafford puts questions of dinosaurs, genealogy, and the age of the earth to eleven world-class scientists. A sweeping book-touching everything from advances in genetics to a particle physicist striving to become Anglican priest-Stafford uses the stories and journeys of these remarkable men and women to provide a new diversity of answers. Scientific progress is carefully detailed, while the struggle toward truth and toward God is humanized.
A deeply informative look at Christians working in science, this book is for both believers and those who harbor doubts-an intersection of faith and science, and a safe place for questions. Whether you believe in a young earth, intelligent design, evolutionary creationism, or something else, The Adam Quest offers a chance to strengthen your faith, deepen your knowledge, and bring science back into the church. Praise for The Adam Quest "To a debate that usually provokes accusations, name-calling, andpolarization, Tim Stafford offers a wise, mediating overview. For some, thisbook may well be a faith-saver." -Philip Yancey, author of What Good Is God? "If you''ve ever been troubled by the relationship between science,the Bible, and human origins-this book is for you. Tim is thoughtful of mindand generous of spirit-two qualities much needed in this discussion." -John Ortberg, Senior Pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church,and author of WhoIs This Man? "Tim Stafford provides a glimpse into the lives of elevenscientists with a strong commitment to Christian faith who are involved in thecreation/evolution controversies, representing different perspectives. He goesbeyond the technical details of the debates to reveal the personal experiencesthat underlie each of their convictions.
Everyone interested in science andfaith would benefit from this insightful perspective of the human sentimentbehind the wide range of positions." -Randy Isaac, Executive Director, American Scientific Affiliation "The importance of Stafford''s book is that it brings togetherthe top advocates of the various creation positions and lets them speak forthemselves. The personal stories put a human face on a debate that has splitChristians from Christians, as well as Christians from non-Christians. I foundthe discussion of the personal histories of each author as important as thetechnical positions they defend. This is as much a book about the sociology ofscience as the details of creation. It lays out how science advances, howChristians practice their faith in their discipline, and how the scienceestablishment responds to propositions that are not in the mainstream." -Robert K. Prud''homme, Professor of Chemical and BiologicalEngineering; Director, Program in Engineering Biology at Princeton University "Tim Stafford''s book is unique and impressive in the breadth ofviewpoints presented by thoughtful Christian scholars.
They clearly haveprofound differences in their approach to biblical exegesis and interpretationof scientific knowledge. At the same time, each expresses an abiding faith inChrist and an unmistakable love of science. What these scientists share is fargreater than the controversies that separate them. Stafford wants all of us toappreciate this as well, and his book is a big step toward fulfilling hishope." -Robert Kaita, physicist at Princeton University "In The Adam Quest Tim set out to improvethe tone of the debate about human origins. In my mind he succeeded. Bypromising to serve as a reporter rather than a polemicist, he gained the trustof advocates across the spectrum of positions on the subject. As a result weencounter eleven very different scientists as persons instead of protagonists.
The result is a new window into the debate-or better yet, some oil on troubledwaters." -Jack C. Swearengen, PhD, Professor of Engineering (retired);author of BeyondParadise? Technology and the Kingdom of God.