How would you like to join Team Planet, as they investigate some of the most incredible people and places in our world? You can hear spooky stories in forests in Europe, join in with a colourful festival in Central America or see some beautiful textiles in Asia! These are all part of our living heritage - the skills and the knowledge about how to care for our world passed on from generation to generation. These are safeguarded by an organization called UNESCO. But our living heritage is under threat - from evolving lifestyles, pollution, climate change and natural disasters. Come on an expedition around the world with us, TEAM PLANET, as we find out more about some extraordinary people and skills! Then discover what we can all do to help safeguard them. You can discover the Land-of-Legends in Sweden, Kwagh-Hir theatrical performances in Nigeria, the Festivity of Las Parrandas in Cuba, Beekeeping in Slovenia, Traditional weaving skills in Al Sadu, and traditional martial arts in Cambodia.
Team Planet!: Safeguard Living Heritage